Basic information on Slovenia


Population: 2,051,000 slovenskazastava

Position: Slovenia is in central Europe. 

Area: 20,273 km2 

Government: Slovenia is a democratic republic founded on the principle of the separation of powers of the legislative, executive and judicial branches of authority. 

Capital city: Ljubljana, population: 265,000 

President of the Republic: Danilo Türk
Prime Minister: Borut Pahor 

President of the National Assembly: Pavel Gantar 

Membership of international organisations: Slovenia has been a member of the European Union since 1 May 2004 and a member of NATO since 7 April 2004. It is also a member of many other international organisations.
Administrative division: 58 administrative units, 210 municipalities. 

Other major centres: Maribor, Kranj, Celje, Koper, Novo Mesto, Velenje, Murska Sobota.
Official language: Slovene; also Hungarian and Italian in their respective ethnically mixed areas. 

Religion: The majority of the population is Roman Catholic; Slovenia also has 40 other officially registered religious communities. 

Currency: euro (EUR), since 1 January 2007.
GDP per capita (in EUR): 22,800¬ (2008) - this is 90% of the average GDP per capita in the 27 EU member states. 

Registered unemployment rate: 9.4% (September 2009) 

Average age: 41.4 years 

Life expectancy: men 73 years, women 81 years 

Fertility rate: 1.2 

Climate: Alpine, Pannonian, Mediterranean 

Time: Central European Time (UTC + 1), Central European Summer Time (UTC + 2)
Average temperatures: July 21°C, January 0°C 

Electricity supply: 230 V 

Units of measurement: metric – metres, kilometres, grams, kilograms. Temperatures are expressed in degrees Celsius. 

Length of borders: with Austria 330 km, with Italy 280 km, with Hungary 102 km and with Croatia 670 km; total 1,382 km 

Length of coastline: 46.6 km 

Highest peak: Triglav, 2,864 m 

Geometric centre of Slovenia: Vače 

Average height above sea level: 556.8 m 

Universities: University of Ljubljana, University of Maribor, University of Primorska.
More interesting facts are available on the website of the national statistics office.